Tahukah Anda....
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Kartu Laknat yang Menjadi Semakin Laknat |
Necrovalley di-errata sejak Structure Deck Marik dirilis dan menjadi jauh lebih kuat? Yaa, HAMPIR sekuat versi OCGnya. Berikut penjelasan di dalam Structure Deck Marik mengenai Necrovalley :
1 - No effect can take a card in the Graveyard and remove it from play. No exceptions!
2 - If a card in the graveyard can add itself back to the hand or Deck, it DOES work.
3 - If a card's effect tries to take another card in the Graveyard and put it back in the hand or Deck, it won't work.
4 - If a monster in the Graveyard can Summon itself back to the field, it DOES work.
5 - If a card's effect tries to Summon a different monster from the Graveyard, it won't work.
6 - If a card targets something in the Graveyard, or looks at cards in the Graveyard, but doesn't disturb their rest, it DOES work. (For example, a card that counts the number of monsters in the Graveyard.)
Think of it like this: While "Necrovalley" is in play, every card in the Graveyard is buried in its tomb. Nothing can enter those tombs, but a card in its tomb can open up the tomb from the inside...if they have an effect that lets them.
2 - If a card in the graveyard can add itself back to the hand or Deck, it DOES work.
3 - If a card's effect tries to take another card in the Graveyard and put it back in the hand or Deck, it won't work.
4 - If a monster in the Graveyard can Summon itself back to the field, it DOES work.
5 - If a card's effect tries to Summon a different monster from the Graveyard, it won't work.
6 - If a card targets something in the Graveyard, or looks at cards in the Graveyard, but doesn't disturb their rest, it DOES work. (For example, a card that counts the number of monsters in the Graveyard.)
Think of it like this: While "Necrovalley" is in play, every card in the Graveyard is buried in its tomb. Nothing can enter those tombs, but a card in its tomb can open up the tomb from the inside...if they have an effect that lets them.
Lalu apa imbasnya?
Yang paling terasa, beberapa kartu yang dulunya aman, kini menjadi tak berdaya di hadapan Necrovalley.
Karena yang tadinya tidak menarget dan tidak terpengaruh Necrovalley, sekarang sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi jika Necrovalley aktif di permainan. Berikut beberapa contoh perubahan yang terjadi sejak errata sialan ini :
- Rekindling, Beckoning Light, dan teman-temannya yang tidak menarget kartu di Graveyard menjadi tidak berguna di hadapan Necrovalley.
- Gigaplant, Magical Exemplar, Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon dan para rekan kini tidak bisa membangkitkan monster dari Graveyard jika Necrovalley aktif.
- Tragoedia kini justru bisa menggunakan efek mengubah level pasca-errata meskipun ada Necrovalley
Terus kenapa cuma HAMPIR sekuat versi OCGnya? Bukankah sudah sama?
Alasannya satu, Colossal Fighter. Di OCG, jika Necrovalley aktif Colossal Fighter tidak dapat menghidupkan dirinya sendiri, sedangkan di TCG Colossal Fighter bisa tetap menghidupkan dirinya sendiri.
Oke segitu dulu,
13 komentar:
yeah brarti si kushano bsa tetep maen ama kucingnya di luar sana :D
ini menarik gan.. hmm.. brati colossal bukan langsung menghidupkan diri sendiri seperti kodok,dia milih target warrior dulu y, yang membuat dia gakbisa resurrect sendiri? correct me if i am wrong..
tunggu, gimana dengan Mbah Six Samurai?
kan dia (mungkin saja) ambil Six Sam laen, walau seringkali justru untuk ngebalikin diri sendiri ke tangan ??
eh.. berati gimana dung, saya sebagai judge di sby harus pake master rule ocg apa tcgnya? soale sebelum errata ini saya pake rule ocgnya, mengingat kalo anak-anak ngeyel saya suruh test sendiri di NDS nya,
btw emang beneran colossal masih bisa idupin temenenya (dan dirinya sendiri) bahkan sampe sekarang?
oh, Colossal Fighter can? Saya pikir dia kejebak di wording dia yang bisa manggil temennya
well lol then, sebetulnya secara wording sih udah sama TCG maupun OCG, but eh :v
yay Kushano sama Krus aman \m/
di OCG, yang bikin Colossal Fighter nggak bisa diresummon itu, karena narget kartu di grave :|
sementara TCG, karena ada kata "except for their own effects"
GMOSS kasusnya sama gan kayak Colossal Fighter
oh yeah, the except for their own effects part doesn't appear in the ocg version, lol
hahahaha gw suka kata2 ""kartu laknat yang menjadi semakin laknat"
weew... gile, kalo buat gw sih, yang paling kerasa itu yang kasus rekindling, beckoning light, gigaplant, sama ReDMD..baru tau ada errata ini. Nice info gan!
TCG lagi Tsundere mode on...ntar lama2 ngakuin juga tuh ruling OCG :-"
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