
Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Florsheim Info : Structure Deck Dragons Collide List

Akhirnya isi dari Structure Deck terbaru, Dragons Collide telah terbuka semuanya! Sudah PO? Atau tertarik membelinya nanti? Apapun itu, simak isinya di sini!

Double Cover Boy!!
SDDC-EN001 Lightpulsar Dragon
SDDC-EN002 Darkflare Dragon
SDDC-EN003 Eclipse Wyvern
SDDC-EN004 Blue-Eyes White Dragon
SDDC-EN005 Red-Eyes B. Dragon
SDDC-EN006 The White Stone of Legend
SDDC-EN007 Red-Eyes B. Chick
SDDC-EN008 Axe Dragonute
SDDC-EN009 Vice Dragon
SDDC-EN010 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
SDDC-EN011 Prime Material Dragon
SDDC-EN012 Dark Armed Dragon
SDDC-EN013 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
SDDC-EN014 Chaos Sorcerer
SDDC-EN015 Lord of D.
SDDC-EN016 Mystic Tomato
SDDC-EN017 Summoner Monk
SDDC-EN018 Snipe Hunter
SDDC-EN019 Herald of Creation
SDDC-EN020 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
SDDC-EN021 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
SDDC-EN022 Kaibaman
SDDC-EN023 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
SDDC-EN024 Chaos Zone
SDDC-EN025 Burst Stream of Destruction
SDDC-EN026 Inferno Fire Blast
SDDC-EN027 The Flute of Summoning Dragon
SDDC-EN028 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
SDDC-EN029 Book of Moon
SDDC-EN030 Magical Stone Excavation
SDDC-EN031 Reasoning
SDDC-EN032 Monster Gate
SDDC-EN033 Card Trader
SDDC-EN034 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
SDDC-EN035 Charge of the Light Brigade
SDDC-EN036 Dragon Reincarnation
SDDC-EN037 Burst Breath
SDDC-EN038 Call of the Haunted
SDDC-EN039 Interdimensional Matter Transporter
SDDC-EN040 Escape from the Dark Dimension

Oke segitu dulu,

3 komentar:

wogh... ada DADnya juga :v
*mengingat masa2 DAD seharga 2 juta selembar :v

Kalau mau buat deck twilight, sekarang jadi murah meriah (meski mahal di bls sih). Tapi seneng coz summoner monk dicetak ulang lagi

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